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Showing posts from April, 2019


We become disappointed if we fail in our efforts, which is a natural phenomenon in human life. Though it is said that failure is the first step to success but when it comes to face the failure we often become frustrated. From our earliest days as children we are taught that failure is bad and we quickly learn that it brings shame, pain, humiliation, and embarrassment. The major fear that stands as the greatest obstacle to success is fear of failure. The problem is not actually failure itself , which can make us stronger and more determined, but the fear itself that paralyzes us from action. We attach fear to things we do not need to have any intense feelings about. Fear of failure is what restricts people to their comfort zone. It is what makes them avoid risk and play it safe as the years pass them by. Henry Ford said failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.  Thus, fear of failure must never be the reason not to try something. Abraham Linc...